Special Issue of JQD:DM in Collaboration with ICWSM


We're very pleased to announce the publication of our first special issue! Thanks to Sarah Shugars, Yini Zhang and Jason Jeffrey Jones for serving as guest editors, they did a fantastic job -- read their full introduction to the special issue here, but here's the abstract:

This special issue aims to build bridges between scholarly communities engaging in the study of digital media. The result of a partnership between the International AAAI Conference on the Web and Social Media (ICWSM) and the Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media (JQD:DM), this effort provides both journal space and physical space for strengthening our interdisciplinary community. The eight articles in this volume showcase the diversity of data, methods, and contributions being made in the study of digital media. As editors, we are pleased at this collaborative forum for such interdisciplinary conversation, and it is our privilege to present the first set of articles — of many more to come.

Thanks also to ICWSM General Chair Kenny Joseph and PCs Kokil Jaidka and Ancsa Hannak for coming up with the idea for this collaboration and for doing the legwork to make it happen.

Most importantly, thanks to the authors of these fantastic papers and to the entire ICWSM community for continuing to advance the essential task of the quantitative description of digital media! 

from the JQD:DM Editors